Object Pool
- Andy Mikulski
- Technology , Data
- October 1, 2023
Nemo vel ad consectetur namut rutrum ex, venenatis sollicitudin urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer eu ipsum sem. Ut bibendum lacus vestibulum maximus suscipit. Quisque vitae nibh iaculis neque blandit euismod.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nemo vel ad consectetur ut aperiam. Itaque eligendi natus aperiam? Excepturi repellendus consequatur quibusdam optio expedita praesentium est adipisci dolorem ut eius!
const pool = new ObjectPool<Thing>({
// Constructor function for this pool's objects
create: (x: number, y: number) => {
const myThing = new Thing(x, y);
return myThing;
// Handler fired when an object is removed from the pool (and has already been created)
get: (thing, x, y) => {
thing.active = true;
thing.x = x;
thing.y = y;
return thing;
// Handler fired when an object is placed into the pool
put: (thing) => {
thing.active = false;
return thing;
// if you want to pre-emptively initialize the pool, use `seed`
// this line will create 250 pooled instances ready for borrowing!
// .. elsewhere in code ..
const aThing = pool.get(1, 2);
aThing.x === 1;
aThing.y === 2;
// when finished with this object, put it back in the pool:
export interface IObjectPool<T> {
seed(amount: number, ...args: any[]): void;
get(...args: any[]): T;
put(object: T): void;
export type ObjectPoolSettings<T> = {
create: (...args: any[]) => T,
get: (item: T, ...args: any[]) => T,
put: (item: T) => T
export default class ObjectPool<T> implements IObjectPool<T> {
private pool: T[] = [];
private factory: ObjectPoolSettings<T>;
public readonly stats = {
total: 0,
active: 0,
stored: 0,
options: ObjectPoolSettings<T>,
) {
this.factory = options;
seed = (amount: number, ...args: any[]): void => {
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
this.stats.stored += 1;
this.stats.total += 1;
const created = this.factory.create(...args);
const released = this.factory.put(created);
get = (...args: any[]): T => {
this.stats.active += 1;
const next = this.pool.pop() as T | undefined;
if (!next) {
this.stats.total += 1;
return this.factory.create(...args);
this.stats.stored -= 1;
this.factory.get(next, ...args);
return next;
put = (obj: T): T => {
this.stats.active -= 1;
this.stats.stored += 1;
return obj;